Why You Should Consider Hiring New Graduates
Young workers bring enthusiasm to their first jobs, along with in-demand skills. If your company is hiring, consider new graduates who are just joining the workforce. Key reasons to hire new graduates include:
Social media savvy.
Around 80 percent of Gen Z uses social media daily. New grads know how to use social networks to connect and can help your company harness the power of these networks. Grow awareness of your brand and reach potential new customers by tapping into the social networking knowledge of your new hire.
An entrepreneurial spirit.
Many in Gen Z are ambitious and eager to make a difference in the world. Seventy-two percent of high school students said they hoped to start a business someday. Young people are self-motivated bursting with ideas and have go-getter attitudes. New grads bring this enthusiasm and spirit of innovation to your company.
A passion for interesting work.
Only 28 percent of Gen Z said money was their primary motivator for how hard they’d work for an employer, compared with 42 percent in Gen Y who are primarily motivated by money. Young new grads want interesting work they care about. Companies can attract passionate young people by highlighting their community involvement or the mission behind company goals.
Building stronger teams through intergenerational collaboration.
New grads are part of a different generation than older workers. They’ve been raised in a more-connected world with technologies that did not exist in the past and have different worldviews because of it. Young grads bring new ideas and new skills to the table. They can learn from their older counterparts while sharing what they know. The divergent worldviews will force team members to find ways to work together and embrace differences, which will lead to stronger teams and more effective collaboration.
The Reserves Network helps companies find bright and driven new hires who are ready to get to work. Let us match your business with new graduates who will make valuable contributions to your organization. Contact our team today to find out how we can help.